Thursday, July 3, 2014

Post Clan War Interview With Sade Abbadon

The CWs have ended and raids are over, Deborah Roaché-Hudak here with Sade Abaddon #282765 of 1st Kearney Highlanders in a post CW interview. Thanks for joining me.

Sade: Hello Deb!

 Deb: Things have settled down, clans are unlocked and some shifting already, how would you compare CWs to the previous FWs?

Sade: Well the FW was a neat experience, and something I'd like to repeat but not soon. And do things differently of course. The last CW went rather off kilter for us in the 1st Kearney Highlanders.

Deb: The divisions are always changing as players levels do. Would you offer any suggestions for change?

Sade: To the whole CW dynamic? I can't think of a way to resolve that issue. The divisions are something that many clans try to manipulate but is really a beast of it's own.

Deb: When BCDC doesn't count the lowest level or the top as in the past, it also affects everything, wondered why not count everyone by now. How did your raid go?

Sade: In my opinion all players should be counted, period. The raid went great for me with the last CW, all team members got fairly even kills and most got mechs. As far as the FW raid went, well I got a mecha, but there were some issues with fairness regarding other clans that joined for the event.

Deb: Not knowing there was a kill limit until day 3 was a big issue. Bad enough to now know what prizes you are fighting for but to get that monkey wrench thrown in was just Evil Santa like. Did you have any waves that were overwhelming? Some clans went through multiple tries to take down 1 mecha at a time in the difficult waves.

Sade: Well I don't want to really say much about that for personal reasons, but I'll say in the raid that I got there wasn't a single attack that got me below 97%... I know a lot struggled but I got an easy sweep.

Deb: Good deal. Is there anything you'd like to add?

Sade: Well I'd like to say that some resolutions need to be made for division 1 just to keep consistency for the other divisions.

Deb: My pleasure. Look forward to seeing you in the next CWs, until then I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Sade: Thank you for your time Deb

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak#289133