Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Experience Editorial

This is an editorial by Deborah Roaché-Hudak and the opinions expressed here are mine alone and focused on one topic, experience (xp) within the game. There are many things to focus on but I feel it best to pick them apart one by one, starting with what I feel is most important. We have campers that look to avoid xp and we have movers that hope to level as fast as possible. Ironic I consider the turtle my totem since I've moved like a fast rabbit.

Since I've gotten L100, I've kept track of my xp needed for each level, as have many friends. It's disheartening to hear them post, “need 20k for L106-107” when I had to earn 65k. Another in between us had chimed in at 50k not long before that. So let's see, I earned 3x + the xp as the last and just 1/3 more than another. I figure from L100-150 was somewhere around 5kk xp that I earned and the only other player to do so was ahead of me, Al Smith. Everyone below us in level has had a reduction, sometimes major reduction, in the xp it took for them to get to the next level. Most will need less than 2kk to pass through those levels.

In connection with changing xp, we now have the added bonus of a few perks when you level, how ironic they come at a time when I currently need 255k to get to my next level. Bad enough others may only need to earn 25k for this quarter million xp level, but they'll get the 5% Dodge added for 24 hrs, a refill on energy as well as battles. Just in case you couldn't move fast enough, new bonuses should help ease the strain.

What I find amusing is most of these changes are to help others 'catch up' so the lead isn't as great as it currently is between players yet they've failed to. I'd hope to see fairness and a stable xp chart for ALL but it seems each will earn something different. May as well keep slipping 500s out of the bank in Monopoly to your fav friend, looks the same to me, just with xp instead of money. I've worked hard, fought many battles and gone through every mission multiple times-enjoying the unlocks when they come. Complaints may not change anything but silence never has. I speak up on behalf of everyone, do the right thing and lock in xp without making changes after it's already been earned by even one. The sportsmanship being shown is piss poor at the moment and morale lower because of such actions. Many have quit over less, can't blame any for becoming frustrated when so much isn't equal for all. Further discussions of other things I'd like to focus on will be featured in future editorials. If you have an editorial to submit, feel free to do so anytime.

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak#289133