Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mid-CWs XVI Raid On Opponents in AFF

Credits for collaboration to Willie Walton #22338 and Martin Cartwright #51616, thanks for your assistance. Discussions with Leader “Da Boss” Goetz #571430 of clan Death's BattleForce {AFF} confirms approval for this next transmission...

Time-stamp 22nd of July, 10pm It was late and the mecha party was planned weeks ago, we still needed to get the supplies before wars started so we'd be ready to party after. Who knew BOOB parties would have some expense? The AFF boys seemed the best targets, their armory had gotten lax in security. Scouts confirmed what was suspected so this would be the night. Bella Tin Grey let the schematics for the AFF armory slip to Martin to get him, literally, off her ass. He's smooth with such a wonderful accent. Twenty years ago he would have left her walking funny for a week but these days a cup of tea is preferred. He's still got it despite a few replacement parts, like his knee. Watching him run with those schematics was worse than a pregnant oxen chasing a calf. He made it, despite the hilarious efforts and the stash would be more than enough for the party after server save. I often wondered why my men did some of the crazy stunts they do, just to see if they can? To see if it's possible to pull it off and not get caught, is that the thrill? Not sure any would honestly answer me, they call me Sir but my boobs aren't balls so they don't play the same games as well and information sharing gets confused in the translation too often. Moving up the ranks from cabin boy to master sergeant, working with the pool boy Willie, is it any wonder Martin was stressed? They weren't caught so all is well and the party will be in place in time.

Time-stamp 23rd of July post server save The opponents discovered the raid just moments before server save, as they prepared to suit up. Word got out hours later, they chose to not bother to show up it appears. A cook out at Molly's was a better alternative I'd have to agree. Seems the least she could do since none would know of the slip. Had a bit more thought gone into the plan, it would have been better to try for the C$ armory. Oh well, the party for winning three wars used to mean we'd have Gold but this CWs a 4th day is required. Best to party before that day, scout reports can't guarantee us any victory so let's celebrate what we've earned to date.

Time-stamp 24th of July at server save Success! Let the party begin. Thanks to AFF, our boys are swimming in the sea of this b00b party. None thought we'd have to face another clan on a 4th war day. Not sure if a day off in between is enough, considering the extent of the party as it stands. The guys need time to let loose, the real challenge hasn't presented itself yet though. They've grown bored of the same old routines so this party was needed, just what the doc would order-back in the day. If they get any rest before the next server save, it'll be a miracle. Looks like a belly dancer showed up, is that a baby snarvum around her should..... ~transmission trails off into a jumbled faint mess before being lost

Transmission relayed by Major Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133 of NWHLs