Thursday, July 10, 2014

Core Of The Dragon Equipment Review

This vaguely self-aware engine of dubious origin (one suspects some bastardization of Forerunner technology)  functions as a sort of a boiler much like one of the nuclear reactor variety for mecha that are in the 40-70 ton weight range.  Curiously, tests ran on it read zero particles of known radiation emanating from it so it may be safe to assume the Core is powered by some heretofore unknown form of energy which we simply don't have the right tools to properly detect yet.

What's more certain is that this dragon engine is helpful and seems most at home using its machine intelligence to figure out ways of improving the fire damage (13%) and trample ability (5%) of your mech.  It does this through a technique toolbox of semi-intelligent power management and stable overclocking, which together put out a speed boost of 8.

A Core of The Dragon costs 330 Ferrite, 260 Bioptics and 38 Niodes.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744