Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pilot Profile Of 1goml #637975

This is Deborah Roaché-Hudak with 1goml #637975, of the clan Relax... It is just a game, in a Galaxy Gathering interview. We'll be looking at a few aspect of the game today, thanks for joining me. I see your first KotM was back in September of last yr, in nearly a year there have been many changes, what specifically are you happy to see that's new?

1goml: I liked the idea of faction wars. I was scared it would replace clan wars. However, now that I've seen clan wars will still be the main thing, I'm very happy. I like the fact he (BCDC) fixed direct MG accounts and gave them stim packs and hatoraides, more importantly upgrade kits!

Deb: Those perks are worth fighting for, it's good to know they were heard and addressed. Most have days where glitches prevent sending/accepting gifts or something of that nature. Have you experienced any problems or any that were fixed?

1goml: Direct MG accounts still can't send gifts or accept. It's automated by BCDC, we get a limited amount every 3 days. It works great like his crystal fix! Now if we can fix HG it will be perfect

Deb: Must be many of the same things Kongragate players face. Has any of the different accesses to the game posed a problem when it comes to recruiting, considering the limitations?

1goml: It has, we force players to add us on FB so it's easier to communicate. While I've made my clan a forum for that purpose they don't seem very interested in it..

Deb: Not unlike trying to keep the player's page alive and active, only so many will jump into a mix like that. Now that you've had the opportunity to see a few Raids after the Wars, how has your team fared? Some found it too difficult still while others complain the prizes seem inadequate for all the work they did even if the waves were easy.

1goml: I'm with the bunch of people about prizes. Last raid I killed 5K+ and landed a pair of Keradon... At level 36 that is nearly useless however the difficulty was fine for us.

Deb: Is there anything you'd like to add before we conclude today?

1goml: Nothing to add

Deb: Okay. Once again thanks for your time, I appreciate your being here and sharing your thoughts. I look forward to seeing you in the next wars, until then I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak#289133