Saturday, July 19, 2014

Clancast XVI Special Broadcast

Announcer: Hey folks, have we got a real humdinger of a thing for you today!  MechWax,Talbus Arms, Drake CloneTech and others are sponsoring what’s to be a first: The official live sportscast of a Clan War.  Specifically Clan Wars XVI.  Tune in your vid screens and radios because you aren’t going to want to miss this one.  Here are your hosts, Galaxy Gathering Editor-in-chief Patrick Willis of Black Watch and Mercenary Journalist Mycobacter from Samurai Mecha.   With special correspondent Deborah Roaché-Hudak providing clan interviews, get your bets ready and dust off your notable pilots/pirates trading card collections.  We’ll also be holding a raffle, the winner of which is going to get a never-before-circulated mint set of boss promo cards made special for the event! Ooh!!

Pat - Welcome Ladies and Gents mech fans of all ages, to another metal mashing, pulse pounding clan war! There will be all kinds of action for you this war out as we have a new format to the Wars guaranteeing more mayhem than ever before!

 Myco - Indeed! I hear there will be an extra tie-breaker round per division, meaning more carnage! More robo action! And more… merchandising?

Deb - Not much time left to get your pre CWs interview. Both GG and ANN news are taking the time but it’s running short! We will also be conducting from the front line interviews for this clan war to bring you all the new and exciting carnage from the field as it happens.

[A golden Torrent is shown tackling a silver Dilophos for the Logo of Clan Wars XVI.]

A word from our sponsors briefly before we get into it.

Talbus Arms (makers of the Orester and Bishop Mecha) - We may not be as big as Star Factories but we know our stuff when it comes to armor. With our Back to the Basics Series of Heavy Division mecha, we’re pretty sure that you’ll be well protected while zapping and blasting your way through battles.  Featuring the Orester and Bishop, the entire line promises to bring good, solid additions to your lineup. Talbus Armaments: For durable and affordable armored protectors.

Drake CloneTech Cloning Service - Have bounty on your head? Need to be in two places at once? Then you need a clone. Clones can be made for any situation. Feel like killing yourself? Well get a clone and blow his brains out. Our affordable cloning facilities can get you a Clone in no time flat. Have a dead loved one you want back, try our Lazarus cloning process and you’ll be wondering why you ever worried about losing those you love. Don’t wait contact Drake today!

Exclusive offer: Act today and get a free sample of Drake’s Instant Hair Grow*, to replace lost hair due to excessive experimentation. *Warning may grow extra limbs.

Notable Pilots/Pirates Trading Cards - Our premium Pilot and Pirates trading cards make it possible for you to bring your favorite Pilot or Pirates  home with you! Special chromium 3D holographic sculpting gives you full detail of both your favorite pilot and their mech! The best clans, the fiercest fighters, the most known names, facts figure and battle cries included! Collect them, trade them, link them together to relive your favorite fights, get them all now!

And welcome back folks, we will be going live to the front lines from our in the action reporter Deb... Deb are you there, come in Deb.

Good day, Deborah Roaché-Hudak here with Bolverk Borson #695995, Chieftain of the clan Avengers of Bunny. Thank you for joining me today for this CWs XVI interview.

Bolverk: My pleasure. Much easier facing you here than on the field. I think you squashed me once or twice in passing. When I looked, only my third rank got off a shot.

Deb: I hate to admit I don't even know what level you are, sorry. Most times I'm just going for tonnage but sometimes I need to get rid of a lot of fights at once, server save coming and all-nothing personal. How do you like the change for Division 1 and do you think it will affect you for this CWs?

Bolverk: I am level 37, and I never mind getting stomped by higher ups. I find I learn more about how my mecha can improve by studying what worked when I lost than when I won.

Deb: Good strategy.

Bolverk: Div 1 is a scary division. I know what it is like to find yourself at the bottom of a new bracket, and feel like a baby seal on the ice. At Div 1, the level gap between players can be huge, and pairity is impossible to get. To make it fair for those who are NEVER going to match the top players, you have to do something, or they will get tired of never getting near a prize. I think its a realistic approach to keeping the game playable for people who actually want to play, to advance, and not just camp.

Deb: Will it affect all the other divisions in your opinion?

Bolverk: Every change is going to trickle down and affect the other divisions. Our own Avengers are a split from the Defenders of Bunny, and are the lower tier. We have seen over the wars how changes move you from a bracket you are dominant in, to scrambling to stay alive. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps it fresh. I think if you can predict before the divisions are announced who is going to medal, then something is wrong. Change is essential, or no one will keep coming back. I look forward to the challenge. Remind me of that if we get seal hunted in a tough division. My own words can be tasty fed back afterwards

Deb: ~chuckles It can be rough I agree and worse when you know who'll medal no doubt. I'm interested to see how many new teams pop up for this war. Will you have any different strategy, without giving away any secrets of course?

Bolverk: What I tell my people is this, scouting is important, but most people do it wrong. You can play a hundred games with your pre war line up, and many do, so scouting the enemy is of limited use. Know each other. Fight your clan mates, and learn where you stand relative to each other. Know when Stephanie says she can't take somebody that Ferbie and Gusty shouldn't try, because they can't touch Stephanie. We face these guys every day on the mountain, you know who you hit on the way up because you can take them, and who you skip because level and tonnage advantage or not, they hand you your ass. Talk to each other. When the war starts, so does the chatter. We are in this together. it is more fun, and more effective in equal amounts. I feel bad for our Kong member, because they will miss some of the best parts of the war. It really does bring you together as a Clan. Plus there is looting. We are pro-loot.

Deb: It is a team effort for sure, everyone counts. Have you had any difficulties with the raid?

Bolverk: We have a huge advantage in the raids, our split. From the Defenders of Bunny we inherit the raid protocol. We lead with our juniors, and the mid ranked don't hit until they score less than 16, the seniors don't hit until the mid ranks score less than 16. Everyone is told the target number so that everyone gets max chance at loot. Every fighter, reguardless of level makes their bones. Every time. For tight level Clans, the war is easy, the raid hard. For Clans with more level split, it is the reverse. It doesn't hurt that we have several KOTM champions in the ranks. Experience matters.

Deb: Some don't like those types of rules, works only if all work it. Would you like to add anything else?

Bolverk: I would like to thank all the Clan's that were part of the Faction Wars. We all had a chance to come together across our usual clan lines, and afterwards it gave us all a little more stake in how our former brethren do in their own wars. Now there isn't a division that we don't care about because Red Comet, Heroes II, Trident, Smurf, Exile, Abominable Snowman, Mechwarriors; they are all Clan kin to a degree now. It is more than just the Smurfs and Bunnies we care about.

Deb: Many had the chance to stretch borders, perhaps we will again some day in a future FWs. For now we'll go to CWs and do our best. I'll be seeing you on the fields, until then I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Bolverk: Win all your battles, warrior!

Pat -Bunnies are a relative new clan to the scene they have a handful of wars under their belt. They are a tight nit close group mostly family and friends if I remember right, good fighters for their levels and tough as nails. They have been solid contributors to both ANN and us at GG, they really don't know the meaning of run away and like to stick it out and fight to the last (think the bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail) they are a lot like that just balls out tough, and love a good fight and are honorable as a clan they always congratulate their opponents win or lose after fighting them on the game page.

Myco -  The Defenders of Bunny are a widespread clan too, perhaps they will have a new champion this Clan War; we’ll have to wait and see.

That's our morning coverage for now folks, tune in later tonight to see score predictions, new merchandising spots, and much more mecha mayhem coverage only here on Galaxy Gathering!

Submitted by Mycobacter, Patrick Willis, Deborah Roache-Hudak, Drake Novum Scientist
Player IDs: #712744, #224534, #289133, #706289.