Friday, July 25, 2014

Thermal Analyzer Equipment Review

A type 3 observation device for mecha Cockpits.  The thermal analyzer is a scanner that uses infrared imaging to detect and home in on heat and cold sensitive areas on an enemy's mecha.  These "critical hit" vulnerability points allow you to do 8% more damage with your fire and ice weapons.  The device improves your accuracy by automatically taking some of the guesswork out of figuring out where to shoot (increases precision by 3) and in doing that, also decreases the amount of time involved in aiming (speed boost of 2).

It works in 45-70 ton mecha.  The most straightforward choices of mecha to use one in would be the Inferno and Freon but you can also put them in Namtars or Fides.  The price is 300 Ferrite, 220 Bioptics and 33 Niodes.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744