Saturday, July 4, 2015

Are You A Hoarder? by David McCallum #701548

Is your weapon and equipment page starting to take on epic proportions, less like a manifest and more like it should be appearing in Ben Hur?

I have that problem and I take my hat off to the devs, they have done a wonderful job in cleaning up the weapon list with its search options. While the standby weapon list is still massive, at least I can find stuff very easily if I need to make a new formation from scratch, or just be able to search quickly for a new prize that needs to be added and saved into existing formations. And selling off old stuff is far easier to cope with as well.

If I had one minor niggle (and it is very minor) it is that occasionally you will have two weapons that are of different types but equal by the filter parameters, so they get jumbled. It would be super if it 'auto-grouped' them, but as I said, that is a minor niggle compared with the ease of use we have now.

Ah, but the equipment list... there is so much stuff in mine just to cover the run of specialist formations, and it doesn't sort sensibly. Yes, you can get it to sort by type, which is a start, but it’s all mix and matched down the page. Worse still, it doesn't seem to bring eligible systems to the top for ease of use; you still have to scan down pages and pages of list because there will be the odd little useable piece stuck in amongst all of the out of weight range stuff. In honesty, it looks more like my kids tried to make me a father's day breakfast.

There must be a ton of stuff, both niode and crystal that can be recycled for resources or simply gotten rid of to make the list more manageable. I just can't see the wood for the trees, or in this case the Nux Raids for the cup holders.

If I had one wish it would be a tab for 'Equipment not used in any formation', so I can see easily what's never used and either go 'OOOH, How did I miss that?' or else simply delete it. Ah well, wishes are free...

Yes, I hoard... but it’s not all my fault... Honest...

Submitted by David McCallum #701548