Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Clan Wars XVI Day 2 Interlude

Sitting in the cockpit of Joker1, Sean stared at his control console, and brooded. So far, the Clan wars had gone as expected, but he wasn't having as much fun, pounding his opponents, as he thought he would. Maybe it was all the rules, maybe it was the recent merger with Curse... those guys have NO sense of humor! Or maybe it was the pills that the Medic had given him after he had burned down the old Jokers barracks. For whatever reason, he just didn't feel like himself lately

Normally, the complete overwhelming of his opponents brought an even bigger smile to his face, but this time, it was actually kind of boring. 300 Wild Tigers started out strong, but as the battle wore on, they seemed to run out of steam. After that it was easy pickings for the rest of the clan to pile up the victories. Takeda 1st Wing was even worse... he felt so listless, Sean didn't even put on his war paint!!! Even without the war paint, Sean ran through Takeda's whole roster without even breaking a sweat, and the clan won another lopsided victory. It wasn't that he didn't like winning, far from it, it just seemed so, so, impersonal to him... nothing to ignite the fires in the belly.

Sean was just about to power down Joker1 and head for the firebase strip club for a nightcap, when his com system chirped at him. He activated his view screen and saw that there was a new message in his inbox. He looked at the headline and it read "At last, we dance" Intrigued, he first virus scanned the message. When it came back clean, he opened the message. He saw that it was from John T Mainer, leader of the Defenders of Bunny, their next opponent. Sean actually respected John....ANYONE crazy enough to ride into battle with a giant Easter Bunny painted on his mech was all right in his book. The message read..." Sean,
I have a feeling that many of my Clan are not going to enjoy this battle much at all. Of course, any Death Curse who wander downrange of my guns will know they have been Bunnied hard.
Bring your best, we came to dance. There are those who die laughing, and those who just never got it "

"AT LAST!!!! It's about time I had a reason to put on the war paint!!!" Sean exclaimed aloud in his cockpit. This is what he was looking for! A personal challenge! Sean knew that D.o.B. had a few serious warriors, and John had just woke up his battle fever!!!! He was actually looking forward to battle again!! Sean fired off a response to John, accepting his challenge. He then powered down Joker1 to stand-by mode, and started the long climb down to the hangar floor. Visions of flames and blood dancing through his mind, he muttered to himself " Careful what you wish for.... you might just get it!" With that, he laughed long and loudly, his peals of laughter echoing through the cavernous hangar. He then headed off to his room, to rest up for the battle in the morning. As Sean prepared his grease paint for the morning he muttered to himself "I think it's time to paint INSIDE the lines for this one!!" With that, he chuckled aloud, and went to bed.

Submitted by Sean Laverty #600987