Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stirling's Fusiliers The Road To Victory Part 1

 Everything started to go wrong for the clan two weeks before clan wars 16 or was it ?

“Captain Jello” said Corporal Justin as he came walking in the office “are we really losing Alastair D S Lowry and James Hudak to 1st Kearney Highlanders”

“Yes Justin” Jello replied, there was some silence for a while, then he spoke again. “At least two other members will be joining us…. “

“Captain Jello !!” one of the troopers came running in “I may have good news an XO of 82nd Omicron Guard [RND] wants to join our ranks” he is one of the strongest members of RND.” There was a pause and then the trooper started “His name is…”

“Molliere Daffue I know. Now don’t you have chores to do.” The trooper saluted Captain Jello and backed out of the office not looking at the Captain nor did he even noticed Corporal Justin standing in the corner.

“Well, this may not be so bad” Jello said. “Do you know him Justin, since you are also a former RND member?”

“No sir. He came in when I left, but I have heard of him more than once. He seems to be quite strong as was said, maybe the strongest in the whole RND, well former RND since they merged with AC “

“I see, well I'll run it up the chain of command and see what they think of this” Jello replied. “It looks like you know him sir” Justin said. “Not exactly Justin, but I have heard of him like you have and he runs a strong formation, almost as strong as yours and mine. But we still need to check his background and see if he will fit into Stirling's Fusiliers clan.”

One week before clan wars: The Introduction

As Molliere Daffue came riding into the SF hanger with his squad of mechas, he saw the onlookers. He did not recognize many but he did recognize those who he will be going to war with. Like always, he did his homework. What are each members strengths, weaknesses, what mechas they use, what tactics they like and dislike, what sort of person he or she is and so it goes on. A total of 509 pages of info that he drew up on this team. To think what some clans would give to get their hands on this info…

“Guys, I would like to introduce to you the former Xo of 82nd Omicron Guard [RND]” Captain Jello said. He continued to talk but Molliere was not listening any more since he already knew what was going to be said. He was standing in the middle of the hanger and he could feel the stares he got from the onlookers, some exited and some most likely would be wondering how the Higher ups could allow the Enemy into their ranks. Of course, he was going to prove himself in this CW to those who are still skeptical about him, to earn their respect. Then he would feel fully a part of this family, even though he is already, many have accepted him into the family and it was very nice actually. The rest of the week Everything was going as planned, here and there. There were some minor setbacks with the mechas but the basic plan had been laid out. The entire group was working on their formations and sharing ideas and tactics.

The biggest problem was having to face *Knights of Vengeance* Stirling's Fusiliers had quite a history with *Knights of Vengeance*. Everything started at Clan wars XIV (14) when they lost the Gold to *Knights of Vengeance*. At Clan wars XV (15) they barely managed to win against them in a close fight but then they still had two of their strongest players with them. Divisions are announced The divisions were announced and all hell was breaking loose. The first battle was Stirling's Fusiliers vs *Knights of Vengeance*. It wasn’t going too well in the hanger bay of SF, most of the mechanics and troopers were going at one another about simple stuff like how to tune the weapons for max performance, and, and and… Until Jelloshot our Commanding Officer Joel had a word with them. But inside Stirling’s Shack (the highly advance meeting room where Stirling’s Fusiliers Warriors hang out) everything seemed to be quite relaxed and in order, but everybody was a bit stressed, one hour before the 1st round ......To be continued

Submitted by Molliere DAffue # 599258