Monday, May 5, 2014

Still Waiting To Go Again

Three days!  It has been three days since Kig has let me power up my WarHorse.  I have been in it, on it and even under it.  I had a lot of cleaning to do. I found out the smell inside was a combination of a green fuzzy food, a dead animal (probably from eating the green fuzzy) and chunks from the last person who tried to pilot this mech.  This took me all day to get finished.  I had to take many breaks to get it done. The second day was spent on the bottom half of the mech.  It seems that my run was through a rancher's field.  I don't remember the livestock but the proof was there.

I had to use power tools to get all of the bone out of some of the places.  The pressure washer did the rest.  I was just happy that I did not need to unwrap the entrails by hand. The first half of today was with the pressure washer again.  Starting from the top and working my way down.   The hanger boys had a good laugh at me when the knocked me down. The afternoon was spent helping the hanger boys installing the Proto Beam.  I will be shooting tomorrow.  I am so excited.  I don't know if I will get to sleep tonight.

Submitted by Deanna Roland# 705797