Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pilot Profile Robert C. Goetz Sr.

This is Deborah Roaché-Hudak with an in-depth look at the formation of the clan {AFF} and the man who started it all, Robert C. Goetz Sr. #175626. Thank you for taking time to share your story with us Robert.

Robert: No problem enjoy the press stopping by from time to time...

Deb: Would you please tell me which clan was the first you formed and when?

Robert: Death's Collectors almost a year ago

Deb: How many clans are there total now?

Robert: Last I checked believe it to be 15, some have been added others fold into the {AFF}

Deb: That's quite an achievement in less than one year. Do you find it difficult to keep up with all the logistics having grown so large?

Robert: I have a great group of leaders to help with it all, we have our leaders Council and they try to decide what clan competes in what division and where the transfers need to be done, we try to make a home for not only the elite players, but for all active players and we have clans for both types of players, so all our friends may stay and be together

Deb: Great teamwork sure makes a big difference. I doubt you intended to be this big when you first began. What made you form Death's Collector's?

Robert: I was a new player and didn't want to join another clan so created my own...then once it got going, had to split because not everyone was leveling together and was having to cut friends from the clan to be able to compete in our division better, after several months of doing this I felt there had to be a better way...the old established clans had their ladder figured why couldn't we do the same....the first several clans were all lead by former Collectors which made us work tightly as a group because we knew how we thought and played. One of the early founders of the {AFF} Stoner Steward is no longer with the game...but was a great trainer of new talent...made it so much easier.

Deb: Then which clan came after Collector's and how long after would you guess?

Robert: Disciples was the second clan not sure maybe around June... We tried a merger to where we brought another clan into our AFF...but didn't work well, the clan was Deathmetal...the leader wasn't very active...we ended up just inviting the active players into our other clans a few months later, 3 of those players are still with us 2 lead multi-time gold winning clans, Revenge and Disciples

Deb: Since Collector's was the first formed, it may have special meaning for you but is there any other clan that you're particularly fond of, one of your gems?

Robert: I guess the one that stands out most of the rest is Death's Curse {AFF} I started that clan in July with the launch of MG on Kong, I started that clan with the alter I created there, the devs wanted us to checkout and like the game on that site. In our first CW a couple weeks later fought for gold against the longtime camper the 99th, my clan was all new Kong players and I was proud of how well they did, we did loose that time but came back to win the next one, that was the first clan I won CW gold hard to forget that.

Deb: The first Gold win is definitely memorable, earning it against such a formidable clan is certainly a bonus. Do you expect to have enough clans now or is there potential for more growth?

Robert: We didn't face them again with that clan...forget who we beat for the gold, but we did beat them later with another clan Acolytes. As far as growth, sure there is always room for growth, if not straight up competition clans always room for more training and developmental clans.

Deb: There are always new elements coming into play, it's good to grow with them. Sorry about the misunderstanding on who's Gold was when. Is there any advice you'd offer to new players?

Robert: Level slowly, enter all events, find a clan with active knowledgeable leadership so you don't make all those early mistakes we all seemed to have done...

Deb: Great advice. I look forward to seeing you and your crew at the next Clan Wars. Thank you once again and I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133