Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ballista Mecha Review

The crystal answer to the niode missile launcher the Rook is the Ballista, it is an 80 ton missile launching monster that will cost you 15,000 Ferrite, 11,000 Bioptics, and 320 crystals. Of course its primary ability is dealing out extra missile damage, but it also comes equipped with a starter laser shield, a potential for freeze, a slightly bigger projectile shield and a crit-kill capability in the build itself of course unlocked by leveling it up. To be fair these aren't the fastest shooting or moving mechas out of the box when you buy them.

With that said however the speed can be improved upon by the engine slots it will gain as it levels it will probably never win any races but it can be made to go fast enough to be a real pain in your foes exhaust port. It does sport ample chassis and cockpit slots as you level it up which make it a potentially deadly mecha. Just make sure you center in on the equipment that helps provide bonuses to its primary weapon and you will be styling. Some may shy from missile heavy mechas due to the inherent lack of speed in the weapon itself, but as with all mechas a smart pilot knows you can outfit them with many other things than just what they were originally solely designed for.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534