Friday, May 9, 2014

Pre Faction Wars Interview With Aaron Marold

This is Deborah Roaché-Hudak in a pre FWs interview with Aaron Marold # 20293
of Northwind Highlanders just hours before the beginning of day one fights. Thank you
for joining me Aaron. What's your reaction to the new format and superclan size for this wars?

Aaron: It is a little odd for sure.  basically having clans absorbed
into others. When I first heard of it as "faction wars" I assumed you
would be put into a team corresponding to one of the faction in the game lore

Deb: That's an interesting twist to consider. Will the increased battles
be a factor in your opinion?

Aaron: Oh yeah, in a big way.  each player can have 80-100 battles a day
depending on their opponent clan size.  some people can't put in that amount
of time on game to attack that many times.  There will also be the factor
of people not being able to atttack more than a few times cos they are out
gunned.  It will likey drag some of the battles out,  and a lot of people
pressing to get in as many last punches as they can

Deb: With the prospect of additional prizes, that may be too tempting for
some, time will tell. Will you be watching the other divisions as well as 1?

Aaron: Yeah,  mainly Div 2 tho,  got some brothers down there some where
in OZ,  I think they like the poppys too much.

Deb: The development of that name I find witty. Still hoping to talk Sade
into changing the motto to a song lyric but not the Wizard theme. ~What a
long, strange trip it's been~ ♫

Aaron: Yeah LOL

Deb: Just a few hours before wars day one begins, is there anything
you'd like to add before i get this posted and we go to wars?

Aaron: Only that this is going to be a strange war,  lots of variables and
people working together that were enemies last war,  gonna be fun.

Deb: Should prove interesting for a few. Thanks for being here and
until next time, I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Aaron: Thanks Deb, see you all on the battlefield.

 Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133