Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Word About Shielding And Other Equipment: An Editorial

Hello one and all Pat Willis the Editor in Chief here at Galaxy Gathering with a word about some equipment. It would seem the higher the tonnage, the more damage dealing ability attributed to whichever mecha, the more slots you have to customize, the more equipment will just screw you over. Shielding especially given it is supposed to protect your mecha from damage instead you trade one weakness for another, and for another, and another depending on how many slots your mecha has according to build. Or some of the heavier tonnage Chassis equipment will leave you open to damage you may not have to deal with according to mecha build, which of course you use shielding for to compensate, again to end up with a vulnerability your mecha may never have had in the first place and in some cases more than the original build would have initially had if you just ran the mecha "naked".

Now I know a key element is for balance you have to judge the power of what the mecha is capable of and balance it out to a degree so as not to have insane stats mecha. However where is the sense in having insane dodge stats only to have yourself mortally damaged more easily by a stray shot you may have otherwise  been able to survive just because your mecha is now open to that one form of damage, whereas before it was not? Also where in all the stars does Star Factories get off building such shoddy equipment for such high prices? Why would I pay to have my mecha laid bare to my enemy only to have it wiped out in the first salvo? Oh I know it is strategy, you have to think for the build to get it fine tuned, and just right. Okay fine no problem there but at least if the equipment has such flaws built in lower the prices. Let the price reflect the true value of the equipment.

I never professed to be a major mecha builder I am not an expert and I freely admit to this. However I see no sense in trading one vulnerability for another, and paying extortion prices to boot. Mechas cost enough as is, weapons as well, why pay for that extra mile when in fact you are opening yourself up to a whole new world of whoop ass?  Feel free to counter my argument if you like, change my mind if you can. I open this debate to one and all. Let me see what you think and convince me if you can. Until then I see this only getting worse and prices going higher, all for what? Imagined safety from your build vulnerability to expose yourself to more chances from other types.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534