Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mirror Match

Well the war was over and by the skin of our teeth we beat out The Storm in the final round. I was feeling good relaxing with my Faction of The Northwind Highlanders, when the perimeter alarms starting blaring across the base. A voice came over the loudspeakers, "Alert attacking army, alert attacking army, all pilots to your mechs, repeat all pilots to your mechs."  So in a rush we all bolted out of the lounge and into the modified hanger to get all our mechas revved up and ready to fight.

I picked Frozen Dream my personal Frigis based off the designs of my friend Poppa Whiskeys famous mech Bootlegger, and powered her up for a fight. We streamed into the main parade grounds in a single body and discovered a clone armada waiting for us courtesy of that deranged manic Drake Novum Scientist. The word came in over the comm units to find and eliminate your double as quick as possible to avoid confusion in the ranks as to who is whom. So I ran diagnostic and organic scans on all the mecha I could lock onto at one time and Frozen Dream went to work analyzing every bit of info she could. I had to dodge and return fire blasting away at Dreads, Buchis, Keradons and Smilidons in the hundreds. I was pretty thankful for the Frigis and its freeze potential immediately as it took out patches of enemies at a shot.

Finally after wading through and reducing hundreds of lesser mecha to scrap I found him, my double. Sure enough he was also outfitted in a Frigis and decided to hail me.

"Heyas Pat glad you could make it  time to die," He casually informed me over the com before breaking into a hyena like laugh and powering up his Frigis.

Scrapping Drake I thought to myself , not only did he clone me and put my double in a duplicate mech, he made the clone insane to boot, lovely. I knew I was in for a fight as two Frigis both identically insulated shield themselves from the Frigis primary shut down ability. This was going to be a real pain in the exhaust port.

We started blasting away at each other with res Lasers and Arctic Gales dodging all over the place trying to avoid each others fire, powering our shields to maximum to take what we couldn't dodge, all the while this crazy Hyena laugh blaring out over my comm.

"Ohh good one, whoops you missed, HAHAHHAHAAAA, Close but no cigar my friend", he taunted me through the fight.

Well lets see if he knew the same tricks as I did and switched my Frigis "hands" into Blade formation and started charging them with pretty much everything I had. "Ohh, you wanna fist fight?" he asked followed by another insane laugh, and commenced to charge right at me.

I stood my ground diverted all power to my bladed configuration and let him almost collide into me. At the last second I discharged both blades into his pilots compartment. We both landed and rolled in a tangled mess of Mecha legs, arms, and laser fire. When  the world stopped spinning I looked out my view screen to see  both my bladed arms went into the cockpit section discharged, and blew the whole compartment out the other side.

I ran a systems check to see that Frozen Dream was still in fighting condition, rolled the other mess of a mecha off me, got her to her feet, and smiled to myself.

"Drake you nut case son of a Snavrum time to send these critters back to the drawing board, you don't come at me with my own tools." I said to no one in particular loaded up my weapons and waded back into the fray to join the rest of my brothers and sisters in arms.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534