Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pilot Profile Al Smith

This is Deborah Roaché-Hudak with an in-depth look at the formation of the Murder Bots. Here with me is Al Smith # 12592, thank you for taking the time to be here. When did your clan form and who exactly were the original members?

Al: gosh i cant even remember, i formed it right after i started playing, and was recruiting the most active players i could get my hands on. lots of em dont play at all anymore but the ones that do are all cybers now... if you want to know the originals look at the cybers profiles and see which ones have a clan war one medal with the murderbots

Deb: How many CWs did you go to before the group drastically changed?

Al: after the second cw they mutinied and started poaching the rest of our "good" ($$$) players

Deb: Had you all been together in the Beta version or other games prior to MG starting?

Al: i didnt play the beta or any other games with them no

Deb: What motivated you into starting Murder Bots?

Al: i wanted to start a winning clan in mg, i was playing alot trying to get past a couple players that started before me and have since quit, so i wanted to get other actives together to try and put up a good group that could be a div 1 leader...

Deb: So finding the most active would help get the best clan together, makes sense. Do you think there would have been a way to keep the team together, now looking back.

Al: probably not but if there was i wasn't coming up with it lol basically the big money players i had recruited banded together and left me and the other not so big spenders behind

Deb: Never good to see people leave a clan usually, can understand the move tactically speaking, it has paid off for them ever since. What changes to the game have made the best impact for players in your opinion?

Al: probably equipment was the biggest good change. the fact that anyone worked to get the biggest spenders together on one clan has got to be the worst impact... game had far more balance with them being in different random places

Deb: Would you have any suggestions for improving Clan Wars?

Al: yeah a spending cap per clan chef will never go for it tho

Deb: Not in the best interest for business but it would help some perhaps. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we wrap this up?

Al: i could go on bitchin all day lol but ill let you get back to nursing ur foot... thanks for your time and for always being so nice :)

Deb: My pleasure and thank you for being here as well. Seems we're in a foot race to level 150 and you have the advantage. I'll keep you on your toes at least. Until we meet again, I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133