Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Anzu Mecha Review

After the Red Any  there is this fifteen tonner the Anzu. It costs 375 Ferrite and 225 Bioptics, much like the Red Ant most starting pilots have quite a few of these in their line up and to pad their lines with additional numbers. Set up for using lasers and amplifying laser damage by its build this is your standard fare battle fodder. The build does have a draw back to it in the form of kick back. It will deal out extra damage on certain shots but those shots will damage the mecha in return. Any thing from a little damage, to shutdown of the mecha in battle, up to blowing it up on you can happen with the kick back ability.

This mecha seems to rely on a pilot going for the no risk no reward mentality. It is fast, if outfitted properly it can even be a pain to fight against especially if a higher level one hits the field outfitted with high end niode weapons. But you can count on sooner or later it will hit the kickback and either damage itself or just blow itself up in the process. For a starter pilot who needs to fill out their ranks they are cheap and easy to get a hold of. More seasoned pilots will most likely keep a few around for low tonnage tournaments, but very rarely will you see a higher level dust one of these off for serious in your face combat.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534