Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Niode Gate Mapping II

Dorien wasn't any closer to his goal of getting this last gate mapped than before and now he had the problem of this massive ship sticking out of the ground. Calling his troops around him he started to give orders. “Long Bow and First Strike” split up the men and each take a side of the ship, I want everything holo mapped and photographed, note anything unusual but don't go inside until I get there....come on, you guy's know the drill now MOVE OUT! He watched as the men formed two teams and headed for the grounded ship, now maybe he could get some work done.

Stepping out of his mech he squatted down, he started to examine the gate and the ground around it keying in note's on his wrist data pad. Metallic composition of unknown origin......slight golden sheen.... has a musical tone when activated. He was certain he had heard of this before if only he could remember where....oh well, it will come to me,it always does he thought.

Immersed in his work he heard sound's of heavy mecha footfalls behind him but he didn't turn around to see. Come on you guys...I gave you a direct order now obey it! The next sound he heard wasn't as pleasant (the sound of weapons powering up) Getting his full attention he turned vary slowly around to see a rather beautiful lady smiling and looking down the barrel of a extremely deadly looking gun. It’s ok she said to her force which were now powering down, it's Dorien the gate mapper, I hoped I would find you here I need this month's issue of the gates.

Sure, just finishing it up Dorien said putting on his best smile and trying not to look frightened as he suddenly knew who she was... (The Mantis wanted in 10 sectors) He remembered the holo posters description of how she could use her over productive pheromones glands to make any man do her bidding. She was also called the kissing bandit..... kissing but no telling because there was no one left alive to tell. Just let me fire this off to my publisher and I’ll make you a holo coin copy.

Pilots are his best customers and of course they got a copy free because it was either that or death. You don't know the name of this rock do you? he asked matter of factly handing her the freshly copied holo disk. Tolobin came her reply, at least that is what the stones in the ruin 18 clicks west say. They go on to tell of the fallen one that came down from the sky killing and enslaving everyone that was not smart enough to leave the planet. I think his name was Kellek or something like that and he met a man from the future name Droh, but that couldn't be who we think it is could it? I mean Drohchah oh-Tryehgr and Kellek on the same planet …...too spooky for even me to think about. Well it's all there in the stone's record if you want to look for yourself, but as for me, I have to run.... oh and as for that ship she said pointing to the ship sticking out of the ground a big waist of time …. nothing of value there and I should know.

Dorien was still pondering the implications of her last few statements as she and her crew stepped into the gate and vanished. Just then his data pad started to vibrate. Longbow was on the other end and screaming AN ARMY IS HEADED YOUR WAY! ….wait, they seem to be gone now Longbow said, as he beat on the long range sensor with his fist. You done over there boss? Yes, Dorien said in a most annoyed voice and headed your way... oh and thank you Mr. obvious! He didn't give Long Bow the chance to question his meaning or try to explain but visions of security drills danced in his head upon returning home.

Reaching the ship, Dorien called his team together to review their findings. First Strike was the first one to offer his holo disk and as Dorien watched chimed in with “hey boss this part I think you will be particularly interested in”The image of a large glyph on the side of the ship hovered above the holo disk. Dorien watched the other disk's in turn but nothing else out of the ordinary was discovered. I think I will have to call in a favor to find out what this glyph means he said as he punched on some keys on his data pad.

Moment's went by then a poor reception of a image of Drake appeared. “ Drake here, what can ... crackle.... crackle... for you?” “Oh hi Dorien, crackle....crackle...just ...crackle... minute.” “There, how is that....Better acknowledged Dorien. Drake continued “The radiation in this universe that I am exploring coupled with the strange gravity is making a mess of things.” “Maco and I are rather busy at this time can you be brief ?” Yes exclaimed Dorien, “what do you make of this” he said, holding up the image of the ship and glyph to his data pad. “Wow! Where did you find that?” exclaimed Drake! “On Tolobin, so what is it?” inquired Dorien “It looks like you have found a Niode Gating ship and a old one at that” came Drake's reply . “The glyph on the side of the ship is very early forerunner and translates to the number eight.” “I'm very interested in your find but I’m afraid you caught me at a bad time, but keep me informed,” with that he signed off.

Dorien thought this was a good time to bring the crew up to speed about the Mantis visit. Afterwords he assembled the crew at a large crack they had found in the side of the ship. The ship being mostly buried had no entrance except this crack as a way in. To small for a mech to fit in, they had to go in alone. Here, put these on, he said, passing out brand new suites he had ordered and planed to give the crew when they got home. It's the latest.... strong, flexible and lightweight. The suite was a pack the size of a slice of bread with two shoulder straps and a green button is the middle. Writing under the button read (stand with arm's out at sides and feet apart press button and put on quickly!) Upon doing so, nanites in the pack, wove a suit complete with monitor and electrical systems that their bodies provided in a matter of sectons. They call this the Thin Skin, Dorien said. First Strike, no need to suite up just stand guard in your mech here at the entrance.

Stepping inside the ship, it was found to be dark, very very dark. Their faces brushed and got tangled in something thread like hanging from the ceiling. Dorien pulled a snap apart on the back of his collar and out folded a full helmet complete with light, which surrounded his face and coupled to his suite with a click. The others followed. Ceiling's shredded, old optical fibers whispered Dorien just then a noise seemed to be coming from behind them whooo! Whooooo! Cold chills ran down their spine's. What is that? Dorien grabbed his com-link and screamed, First Strike you got anything to report ? No boss, nothing here, the wind has picked up though and is making a heck of a racket! Roger that, do me a favor and stand directly in the opening, that should stop the sound we are hearing, which it did, but it was not enough to comfort the crew's nerves.

Continuing on, their light did little to cut the darkness, but threw ghostly shadows of themselves on the walls. Up ahead they could hardly make it out but the ceiling seemed to be moving. Was it one creature or many, it was hard to tell. Thousands of red eye’s winked on instantly as the smell decaying flesh wafted through the air. Suddenly thousand's of Death's Smell bats launched themselves from the ceiling
flying in all directions and then out of the opening, giving First Strike quite a scare. (The smell given off of the bats attracts creatures looking for a free meal, but instead they become the meal and are eaten by the bat's.) The dark is interrupted by a faint yellow glowing orb which seems to have a scary face staring at them,This happens so fast that it left them wondering if it even happened at all. Each member of the crew think they are the only ones to see this orb but later, after talking to each other, find out that they all saw the same thing. The night exploring progressed slowly from then on.

Submitted by Marianne Stewig #687261(and Mark Stewig)