Friday, October 3, 2014

People And Places Of Mecha Galaxy Sigiss-6

Sigiss-6 is on the fringes of Shogunate space surrounded by smaller moon sized planets unimaginably named Sigiss 1 through 5. Sigiss-6 is about the size of Mars from the Milky Way galaxy and the planet sits on a rotational wobble. This leads to a “night time” equal to roughly a week in Earth time and a “day time” of about three and a half days Earth time. The wobble is due to the other moon sized planets in the Sigiss system constantly pulling at the larger planet from all directions with their gravitational fields. Which gives Sigiss-6 a rather jerky stop and go wobble thus elongating the nights exponentially and allowing for much longer day periods.

The constant push/pull of the other planets also plays havoc with the larger planets weather systems, making large storms across its surface the rule as opposed to the exception. There are three main continents on the planet, Strassis, Cartanal, and Rakine. Strassis is the main colonized living area on the planet which serves as an import/export shipping hub roughly the size of old Earths North and South America combined. Cartanal which is about the size of old Earths Europe contains the planets vast rainforest, teeming with a wide variety of insect and reptilian life most of which is still largely undiscovered. Lasty, Rakine is a vast desert area roughly the size of old Earths African continent and holds the majority of the planets Ferrite and crystal mining operations.

The rest of the planet is covered in a vast ocean dotted with smaller “islands” scattered about here and there. As the planet is battered almost daily by storms most of these islands come and go being swallowed up by rising and falling ocean elevations.

 It isn’t a very hospitable planet overall and only the hardiest of people choose to live and work in its ports. Otherwise the Shogunate uses certain portions of the mining area as a prison camp for their most offensive law breakers. The planet itself made it into the Galactic history books when early in its exploration colonists were set upon by pirate invaders. This is when and where the Frigis mech was born. Since that time the Frigis in particular has been the main staple of the planets port security and firmly secured its place in Galactic history as well as helping to put Sigiss-6 Firmly on the Galactic stage.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534