Monday, October 6, 2014

Hold The Line

Thomas Bishop’s Oggun shook as it took a hit from the Lusion’s Missile’s as his Ogg spun around to meet it's attack. He noticed to the left and right of the Lusion came two Holmes with lasers blasting past and over his Ogg. His sensors showed a Nifthel coming in behind the Lusion. They were pressing him hard. Thomas had orders to hold their location. He was the last standing, and determined to hold the line. He charged straight toward the Lusion. Firing his cannons full into the chest and head. It stood silent for a moment, then smoke starts flowing from the mech, and internal explosions began erupting from it as it toppled over. The Holmes were close now. He turned his Oggun to the left as lasers hit the torso and left arm. Alarms sound as another hits his mech from the rear. He charges the mech firing his Panther Wheels almost point blank into the chest of the Holmes. Then his Oggun crashes into the mech, sending it to the ground with internal explosions, and smoke billowing out of the mech.

Damage readings flash red. The alarm blaring as his mech takes hits down the right side from the Nifthel that has just reached the fight. His mech shakes again as his mech takes laser hits in the back, shutting off the alarm and ignoring his damage readings. Thomas Bishop smiles as he turns his Oggun toward the Nifthel, fires his Northwind Whislers and his cannons just as the locking tone sounds. He turns toward the Holmes barely noticing the sensors indicating that he has hit the Nifthel.

 As he squares his mech on the Holmes his Ogg again takes laser hits. This time from the left hip up and across to the right shoulder, severing the arm at the shoulder. He gears up his mech into a full run, straight at the Holmes, and fires his remaining weapons, scoring hits to the head and torso. He lowers the left shoulder of his Oggun and plows into the Holmes taking both his mech and the Holmes to the ground. Thomas powers his Ogg back to its feet , he glances at the remains of the Holmes. Then several hits from the Nifthel’s ice cannons hit down his Oggun’s left leg.

Bringing his attention back to the Nifthel, he turns his mech, bringing his cannons to bare. Then firing as the tone sounds. He then smiles to himself as he flips on the external speakers and yells “For Northwind.” Then throttles his mech full speed toward the Nifthel, firing everything he has left into the enemy mech. His mech takes as much damage as it is dishing out. He barely stays conscious as he hits the eject. The next thing he remembers is seeing his CO leaning over him saying “You did it! You held commander!” He smiles. Reinforcements have arrived!

Submitted by Thomas Bishop #807086