Saturday, October 4, 2014

Scrub Grub Equipment Review

This curious little gadget was put to market by an enterprising new robotics firm and Drake and I couldn't wait to test it out.  The Scrub Grub counts as an engine although it is more of an engine modification or upgrade; The way it works is tiny little mechanized caterpillar microbots patrol up and down inside the fuel lines of your mecha's engines actively cleaning them to prevent clogging.  They do such a good job at it that you get an unreal speed boost of 19.  These enterprising little buggies don't stop there though... they also like to clean the firing chambers of your projectile weapons; admittedly they are less adept at this than cleaning the fuel lines but they still do an alright job of it, granting you an increased damage bonus of 3%.  Where things go really crazy though is they give an 8% fork ability.  See, the way we have it figured they get bored with their primary and secondary jobs and will recreationally devote their AI to aiming your weapons for you.  Don't fret though, thus far they seem to behave responsibly... we have yet to document a set going rogue.

You can buy a set of these small helpful automated arthopods designed to work in mecha within the 25-45 ton weight range for 331 Ferrite, 168 Bioptics and 28 Niodes.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744