Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mechulhu Fantasy Mecha

Piloted not by a human, drone or clone but by the disembodied reanimated mad brain of power-hungry Kellek, this 100 ton engine of destruction is the grandest weapon, the crown plague jewel of the NoRunner Legion.  Worked on diligently and in secret a bit at a time for thousands of years by secret technomancer occultists for the fanatics over in the Negaverse, this tentacle faced behemoth was intended to lay siege on our universe.  Lumbering and beyond huge, it gives even Drochah pause.  No one is exactly sure what kind of weapons it houses since nobody to date has gotten close enough to the massive secret bunker in which it was being built.  At least, they have not ventured close enough and escaped alive.

What strange warped thoughts are held by the pilot? This is anyone's guess since the last thing he'd done prior to his first "death" was corrupt an entire civilization.  To get yanked back from the brink though and slung into a future where the majority of the populace have for generations worshiped you as a God... it would be difficult not to let this go to your head. What mental faculties of it may remain.  I'm pretty sure the primary thought in Kellek's freeze-dried mummy-mind remains is going to just be "KILL!".

Submitted by Mycobacter of Samurai Mecha#712744