Thursday, October 9, 2014

57AM Weapon Review

This missile system is for minimum level of 86 and will cost 2,222 Ferrite, 1,600 Bioptics, with 66 Crystal or buy a 5 pack for 264 crystal with a limit of 60. This weapon has a damage of 62, with a speed of 96 and ability of Splash at 6%.

Not the most devastating or quickest missile system available, however for a crystal based weapon it isn't that bad over all. The saving grace is in the splash which given mech type and build can improve significantly. This is of course for your missile boat mechs such as the Rook or Ballista mechs. You can install it on lighter mechs for a nasty surprise of course or even on builds designed for totally different weapons platforms it all depends of course on your play style. Bottom line for a crystal weapon it is alright. Not great but it doesn't suck either.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534