Monday, June 30, 2014


Eagle II is my personal Sever. I spared no expense making sure she had the best crystal and Niode equipment I could buy.The late Dr. Osprey’s work in biomimicry resulted in some truly unique and magnificent mechanical monsters.  It seems a bit of a shame that he died before getting to see a complete working finished version of this behemoth he’d been prototyping during his later years.

Engineers are a little superstitious about making any other mechs in continuation of Osprey’s particular style, which for better or worse sets the Sever as a unique mecha.  What further adds to the mystery is that nobody knows what disease it was Dr. Osprey died of.  It was a silent killer that robbed Star Factories of one of its more daring and unorthodox mecha designers.

A Sever is a mighty hunter that mainly favors load outs of laser and ice weapons.  It was designed with those armaments in mind but with a little tweaking I managed to get Eagle II to where she could handle projectile weapons as well.  When you equip a Sever with the right AI it really does feel less like a vehicle and more like you are riding a pet dinosaur.  Despite initial qualms and being spooked continued demand for this powerful mecha keeps the Sever mech in production.  I’m glad that for the right amount of Niode Star Factories is willing to ignore the ghost stories following the Sever’s creation and keeps this strange mecha available in its catalog.

A Sever handles beautifully and combines the agility of a hawk with the deadliness of a velociraptor.  In anticipation of the next Clan War I am trying to log in as many piloting hours on the Eagle II as I can, since it is my first super heavy class weight Heavy Division mecha.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744