Saturday, June 14, 2014


Clan Wars XV... I'd been in a faction war before but this will be a first for me. I'd hate to think that I'm late to the party so I made sure to kit out my Krampus.  Our sensei told us what to expect.  It will be incredibly violent and bloody, he told us and not all of us may come out of the event alive, but also that the spoils of a clan war are especially great.

I was in the Samurai Mecha hangar, washing my mecha down. You could tell because I was playing some NeoAmerican electropunk, the way I usually do. I should probably explain to you why I was washing them down.  There was a simple freighter escort assignment.  Almost went off without a hitch.  We were supposed to escort a caravan of ships carrying a shipment of bacon and sausages destined for an orphanage on the Nomis Reefs.  Some damned fools from BAT SHIT tried to hijack it and well, getting between a space ronin and their pork supplies is unadvisable.  For a bunch of vegetarians those activists sure seemed pretty damned violent... even the guts I was hosing off my Krampus and Buchis seemed angry. Although I'll admit that last part could have just been my imagination.

I'd heard in the news that those BAT SHIT creeps are about also about as dumb as they are violent... that is to say there was an incident this week on New Zion, where the blighters decided to raid Kosher bacon storehouses. Pfft, idiots.  Kosher bacon isn't made of pork... Jews don't eat bacon.  It's processed beef made to look like the real thing!  Some representative was preaching some garbage about avenging the deaths of the fake pigs as he was being carted away.  That's mildly amusing.

Well the good news is the orphans got their pork.  It also seems we'll be taking up the sword again and participate in Clan Wars Fifteen. I for one can hardly wait.

Submitted by Mycobacter# 712744