Friday, June 27, 2014

Beam Splitter Equipment Review

Congratulations. You've moved up into the division that has most of the big boys.  So you want to protect your beast mecha and were considering alternative shielding options... Well, then you may consider this one then: 75-90 ton weight division mecha can be equipped with a shielding module called the Beam Splitter.

It will use masers to create a lattice of plasma made from highly ionized air molecules to quickly change the index of refraction around your mecha deflecting 51% of laser damage. This works pretty well but 80% of the time it will have 5% kickback damage.  It takes energy to absorb that incoming beam blast coming at you and the method is effective but not perfect.

In my opinion this type of shield works best when you apply it to a mecha which already has auto repair abilities from other equipment. As this is a more exotic type of shielding it will cost you 1093 Ferrite, 706 Bioptics and 45 Niodes.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744