Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thoughts On The Game An Opinion Piece By Sean Laverty

Yeah, I'm about ready to say to hell with this money grubbing game... players 10 levels lower than you, smoking your whole line up with 3 mechs,  just because they CAN''T BE BOTHERED PLAYING THE GAME! So they throw money at it and, Voila!!! instant death of anyone trying to have fun... well this damned game is getting a LOT less fun, every hour!!

 If the devs don't bring any parity to the game, they're gonna lose a lot of players!! It's funny, because the higher the level, the more abandoned accounts you see!!! Personally, I don't think the devs give a tinkers damn about players, as long as the money keeps rolling in! If it isn't broke (pardon the pun) don't fix it!! If you don't believe me, go check the higher level battle lists! You'll see many profiles with no clan, no Honor Guard and no competition medals for months! I wonder why? Could it be, that the farther you go in the game, and the higher your level, the mechs and equipment are in no way competitive? Unless you plunk down some your real world money to buy equipment, weapons, etc. The ones that don't have built in vulnerabilities that make you fresh meat for someone who has spent some dough?

 Many of my AFF clan mates are probably groaning "Here he goes again on his spenders rant", they've heard me complain about the lack of parity between spenders vs. non-spenders until they're sick to death of it! But if no one speaks up, then the situation will continue unabated. I know that to the devs, this is a job, and they are trying to make as much money as they can. But if you squeeze out the people who made this game popular in the first place, there will be an unfortunate have/have not culture that I can already see starting, and the average player will avoid this game! Just look at any Zynga game! They always have their hand out for money, and as a result their player base is shrinking quickly!

In conclusion (thank goodness, huh?) I don't know if anything I've just ranted about makes any sense to anyone else playing the game, it is, after all, my PERSONAL OPINION. If this situation isn't addressed, I think you will start to see a LOT of higher level profiles abandoned, and your player base drop like a rock down a well. I thank anyone who took the time to read this, and hopefully, this issue will start being talked about more in the chat rooms. Only time will tell.

Submitted by Sean Laverty#600987