Friday, June 6, 2014

Ferrite Storm Weapon Review

If you can afford them, Ferrite Storms are one of the most effective projectile weapons you can buy. Costing 1000 ferrite, 40 bioptics and 32 niodes, they are not outrageously expensive for 1... but after seeing this beauty in action, you're going to want more than 1 in your arsenal!

The Ferrite Storm packs a very respectable punch at 50, and it has an excelllent speed at 108, but where this baby really shines is its bonus of 15% trample!!! This weapon has the highest trample rating so far, for ANY weapon system, so it makes it a must for any front line fighter!!! This is one weapon that, not just the target, but everyone lined up behind him has to worry about!

Available as a mission reward, or outright sale, the Ferrite Storm isn't a hard weapon to aquire. It IS, however, a weapon you should try to aquire as many as possible, especially for projectile heavy line ups. This is a weapon, tho, that works just fine on ANY mech you hang it off of! In my humble opinion, this is one projectile weapon you CANNOT overlook! When you watch your target, and the target behind, shutdown at the same time, it sure will bring a smile to your face!

Submitted by Sean Laverty #600987