Saturday, June 7, 2014

Editors Note About The Opinon Piece That Ran Earlier

Hello all Pat Willis here with a couple comments on the piece that ran earlier today. First off we simply are as I have always stated here for the player, a player resource, and I stand by that. Valid concerns will be published plain and simple, granted that decision is up to me and my "staff" but if it is valid and the underlying tone is concern I will run it.

Secondly I do not allow for politics here on the site. If you noticed the last post was from a member of the AFF, any in game who have paid attention will know I have my issues with certain members of that clan, however I do not allow for politics here on site and as such given the nature of the post it was run. Despite who you are or what clan you come from you submit something to me worth publishing rest assured it will wind up published period. (On a personal note I have no issues with Sean so please no one misread the above or misconstrue it in any way.)

Third and last, while the wording may be strong in some places on the last post the issue it highlights may indeed be very real, then again it may not. That is up to you the reader to decide. I am here mainly to get your thoughts out in the form of written word, not to cast judgement for or against. You read the articles, you make the decisions, you have your play style I have mine. If you wish to write a rebuttal feel free to do so, as I said we are here for everyone. Think he was out of line? Let us know, agree with him, again let us know.  The only way anything can be resolved is discussion, this is the forum to do it in. With that I leave you to make up your own mind, and follow the path as you see fit. Thank you as always for your time and good hunting to all.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534