Friday, November 21, 2014

Vortices Of Treasure

I have my sources.  Through triggering particular effects and manipulating probability I managed to come across my very own Regis.  Managed to gut an Antithesis and two Aspis along the way, mind you, but that's just more firepower to add to the pile.

When I stepped in, it threw a fit... there were bugs in that my identity read as both human and forerunner at the same time.  I also scored a Haptic Interface... so once I've finished modifying this Regis and given it a name, it'll be time for a test run.  The Sikuliaqs went straight to my Frigis.  I'm feeling, rather at one with my fleet right now but that could just as likely be partially the results of downing an entire 5 pack of stims and a triple jumbo pack.  Heartbeat seemed to be one solid pulse... I hope it slows down soon.

Everything around me seems to have slowed down a bit. Effects,... interesting.  Some of that might be excitement at scoring what is to date the biggest and baddest mecha to have rolled out of Star Factories, and some might be the stimpacks talking, but WHOOO!

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744