Friday, November 28, 2014

Turducken Cover Weapon Review

This years Thanksgiving free gift weapon, and a not so subtle play on words the Turducken Cover is a neat little missile weapon.As a free weapon again no real limits, restrictions or prices to speak of. It has a speed of 100, and a damage of 58. It packs the Fork ability at 50%, and a splash ability at 10%. The fork alone is what really makes this weapon shine as is the base odds of hitting are at least 1 in 2.

Splash damage never hurts and is excellent if you can land any equipment to further the ability. The Fork is great for mechs like the Dilo, the fact it is a missile make it perfect for the Torrent, and it comes in at 100 speed which makes it faster than your standard crystal based missiles which usually clock in at 96 or so. Another great freebie weapon that you hopefully got a hold of!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534