Monday, November 24, 2014

Frizzle Shot Weapon Review

This lil slug thrower is available for minimum level 9 and up. It will cost you 365 Ferrite, 295, Bioptics, and 17 Niodes. Bulk buy 5 for 68 niodes, with only 130 left out of 250 at the time of this writing. Packing a damage of 34, a speed of 104, and with abilities of 2x damage at 3%, and precision of (2), this weapon has left a few feeling shorted on the player boards. Not especially powerful, and the abilities aren't that great as other available weapons I can see why.

You could simply wait  level take the lesser damage Dual Gattling (Dam of 14), but 2x dam comes in at 15%, and is much faster with a speed of 114. Also costs much less with 9 Niodes per purchase or bulk for 36, with no limits on purchase and no limited release. So Even though this weapon is available at level 9 there are much better to be had out there and I understand why folks aren't overly joyed with this new toy.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534