Monday, November 17, 2014

Goddess Of Vengeance A.K.A. My Horrific First Date With Tory

Did I ever tell you about the time I had a holonet blind date with Novum Dolorum's boss of security?  Yeah, we were both shocked.  Sometimes randomized algorithms that seed probability into matchmaking applications can make huge mistakes.

Anyway, the date itself went alright... hey, after all, we shared a common interest in blowing things up... Well rather, it went alright until I'd scratched one of her Cindrons.  Then things quickly degenerated.  I sincerely doubt I'll be having a second date with her.  You'd think just a scratch on the paint of a 55ton heavy mech I'd borrowed wouldn't be a very big deal, and ordinarily it wouldn't... except, well, she was showing off to me her collection of flame based mecha, which I was busy admiring the mods she had done on, and I must have not been paying close enough attention because my finger slid on the controls to the left flamethrower arm, a barrel of highly volatile mecha fuel in the hangar ignited and that carefully arranged, military precision line of Cindrons and Infernos fell like dominos.

Scratched 'em up something horrible. She didn't mind that a few of her technicians and mechanics caught on fire, they knew from working for her long enough the value in doing stop, drop and roll. She did take issue with the scratches though. And dents. And that's kind of why she still wants to kill me. Even outside of missions where I'm raiding the Novum Dolorum research facility.

Addendum: I cannot stress enough the importance of remembering to leave the safeties on when you are piloting a flame mecha.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744