Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dancing Lights

A cacophony of alarms & alerts suddenly roused my mind from a peaceful thought of something far removed from metal & machine. The irritating noise was joined instantly by dozens of dancing lights illuminating the entire spread of the HUD as targeting sensors blinked to life. I remind myself that peace as always is only a fleet footed illusion best kept in check with cold hard ferrite.

Communications chatter pours in as scouts report the final combat assessments of incoming hostiles. Taking a shallow breath & closing my eyes I take a quick last scan of my surroundings as they are, so serene & stunning while being untouched by the claws of man or mecha. I take one last moment to appreciate the beauty & peace.

Punching the audio to silence the racket I survey those foolish enough to raise their weapons against us.

Torrent 1 fires a Big Bertha to greet our new friends & the high density cannon round scores a hit as a Force Rocket sheers past me but misses all of its potential targets & my entire formation. As expected our new friends are not messing around & I further welcome them with a Twin Grazer’s perfectly described “extinction event” & bag my first kill for the night.

I slowly grin as my first line of Torrents opens the enemy like a welding arc sent from the stars themselves. I pop my cockpit to survey the now battle scarred & scorched vista with my own naked eyes. Much sooner than I expected nothing is left but fresh remains of twisted burning metals mingled with the rising smoke plumes.

There is a time for peace & now is not the time, the time will come with death.

Another valid target blinks to life on the HUD as the cockpit closes & the flush of fresh air lacks any luster without the odor of burnt ferrite. Auto repair systems have already done their work & the next scrap yard in waiting comes into sight. Somehow I think the next few days could be long but not as long as the next few nights. Gleefully I down another Hatoraide & continue my assaults.

When all was shot & done proudly I looked around me at the efforts my brothers & sisters had once again achieved under such superb guidance & leadership. Finally switching back on the audio from the communications I can now hear the cheers & celebrations instead of just read them as they flood in. Sending my congratulations I switch the audio back off.

Soon it will be time to return to the hanger & join in the festivities myself but for the moment I savor the silence & peace if not before the Turducken cooking in the Turkey Cooker when would I find the time with another clan wars coming so soon? (thank god!)

As the fires slowly warm my heart & hands once more I watch with a smile as the embers rise into the night like dozens of dancing lights.

Submitted by Joel Parras/KiloToneRecoil# 637457