Sunday, September 21, 2014

Clan Wars XVIII Fast Approaching

Clan Wars is right around the corner, hope your clan is ready. This Clan Wars isn't going to be as annoying as the last given it is allowing for specialist positions but it isn't full of them. This war allows for a couple of specialist positions per clan in the ranks to fight, but the rest can be unlimited. That alone should cut down on a lot of complaints, and do away with  trying to come up with a formation for every available specialist position to fight with.

The big deal about this Clan War is the face off between the top two clans, Northwind Highlanders and Cyberstorm. Both have had weapons in the shop lately bearing their clans names and further hyping the excitement around the upcoming battle. This CW out is even named "Showdown" in honor of this epic battle and contains the following rule set.

Division 1:
Cyberstorm vs Northwind Highlanders
Three Round Showdown
Members of each clan will get a free "Clan Weapon"
The winning clan's weapon will have its stats increased after the tournament.

All other divisions:
Divisions set by average level.
Divisions with 8 clans will use swiss-pairing, Divisions with 4 clans will use round-robin.
Up to 2 specialists per clan, optional.

Division 1: Showdown
Round 1: Everyone must be a specialist. At least 8 different types of specialist per clan.
Round 2: Single Rainbow (for everyone in Division 1)
Round 3: 1500 Total Tons

For Clan Wars XVIII, clans may optionally have up to 2 specialists.
Specialists are not required.

Each clan can have Zero, or One, or Two specialists.

If a clan leader assigns more than 2 specialists, the specialties will be deleted for all but 2 clan members.

(Rules are different for Division One)

    A specialist uses certain rules for battle, similar to the King of the Mountain events.

    For example, if someone is a 20-Ton-Max specialist, their battles will only use Mechs 20 Tons and under.

    Clan leaders can assign any clan member as a "specialist" once registration begins.

    Any clan-war attacks on a specialist will be fought under the rules of that specialist.

    Defender always sets the rules.

    Specialist rules only apply for battles that are part of an official Clan War.

    Clan specialists will be locked when signups close.
    Clan leaders can change them until then.

    Multiple members of the same clan can have the same specialty.

    Not everyone has to be a specialist.
    Anyone who is not, will defend with normal "unlimited" battles.

    During a war, specialist types will be publicly visible to everyone.

    After attacking someone in a clan war, you cannot be attacked in that clan war for 2 minutes.
    In the final hour of each battle, this will be reduced to 1 minute.

    Available formations have been increased to 26.

    As usual, clans must have 8 or more members to join the tournament.

So there you have it folks the breakdown for the war rules. Does this majorly effect other clans ? Not so much really but the hype as usual surrounds the top two clans in division 1. So load up, fight your battles, and worry about your own division. Chances are you'll hear about division 1 no matter if you want to or not.

Submitted By Pat Willis#224534