Monday, September 29, 2014

To Our Foes

The writing's on the wall. Something said by too many a dictator throughout history, usually in the throes of victory. So easy to say something when your might is self-evident. The leadership of the Zeon Republic sat around their strategic display table. An informal gathering of men who had seen combat, and upon who's faces stood the scars of past exhalation and defeat.

Admiral Ritter lay a hand on the display before him. "Gentlemen. We have warmed our guns on a lowly citizenship. We have tested our metal against a worthy second. We all have an educated idea of who we will face off against in the third round. Now; I think you all see things the way I do. Correct"?

The council gave wry smiles and general nods of agreement. It was true they had found little in respect of a battle Royale on their first encounter. The one point against them had been a sad (and laughable) shot of error by one of their own. That member would be paying the tab for beer for the coming 2 months. Now, as they speculated on the third round, the second was panning out as the fates predicted. So much different from the previous few. So far removed from the usual format.

Rear Admiral Harrison sniffed. "These opponents are not worth our time", he said. "We can sit back and bask in the failings of our enemy". A generalized muttering of concurrence went up. Vice Admiral Ross banged a hand on the table. "Gents! It's easy to take confidence in this small step, but whilst your efforts and leadership have given us glory so far, please remember that we take no opponent lightly". A slow silence fell over the assembly, before Captain Kanoki slammed his glass on the table. "Brothers"! he shouted; "To our enemy and their battle prowess. May their hard earned respect be forever in our minds"!

The officers present raised their glasses, and as one vocalized their admiration for their opponents. "To our foes. Salutae! Good fortune to those of honor"!

Submitted by Steve Ross#162076