Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Always A Bigger Mecha Fish

Trust me, you've all been there.

In the lower division KOTMs it took the case of pilots whose formations featured wall to wall Fides mechs.  Now that you're a higher level and more elite pilot the case to greet you in these upper divisions is an unrelenting horde of Torrents.  It sounds familiar, right? Wallet warriors, pilots with the financial resources equivalent to several small worlds will crush you, utterly and without mercy using the line upon line of the best weapons and units their money can buy.

If you are a single or even double rainbow specialist the rest of the time, this can be at times somewhat disheartening.

I'd advise players still qualifying division V class in KOTM to win as many of those as they can placing at at least silver medal because after that, all higher divisions are much less forgiving.  The siren song of decent speed and effect weapons that do 55+ damage is a sweet one but if you don't have whole fleets of Niode chewing, smoke belching destruction billowing mecha, you'll be lucky to occasionally place bronze up in King of the Mountain divisions 4 and above.

This observation has lately caused me to refocus my pvp efforts into circuit fights.  The rewards are smaller but it is a great way to amass lots of crystal for essential upgrades and standard parts in general no matter what level you are, regardless of if you place a winning medal.  No offense but with few exceptions, once you find yourself placed in divisions 4 and above for King of the Mountain, the bronze prize weapons just aren't going to cut the mustard.  I more often than not sacrificially scrapping them for niodes to upgrade my premium mechs (although one would speculate that the occasional Death Orchid or other high precision 35-37ish damage weapon thrown to us can on rare occasion have its novel uses late game).

 Submitted by Mycobacter#712744