Sunday, September 7, 2014

Heatsink Ports Equipment Review

This engine piece is for mechs 45-55 tons. It will cost you 355 Ferrite, 168 Bioptics, and 44 Crystals. It provides Speed +10 and Dodge (2).

Not a bad little engine piece honestly. No design flaws built into it and a relatively cheap Crystal price attached to it. The speed is nice given how fast lighter tonnage mechs are to begin with, the dodge is kind of weak but as an addition to your chassis equipment it could push you over the edge to get you that added dodge you may need. This is one of those mech pieces that works great in conjunction with whatever else you can cobble together, it could be the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle you need for your equipment. All in all a solid part, and I pretty much endorse anything that doesn't have built in disadvantages or as I call them off the line factory defects.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534