Friday, September 19, 2014

Synthmen Revisited

Obedient and free from most organic bodily distractions, these disembodied biocomputers are a variation of some of Dr. Drake's older cloning technology.  He and I perfected the wetware application technique some time ago and though the costs involved in growing synthetic brains of bioptic mesh arranged into ganglia which are trained immediately from the instance of their "births" onward solely to operate mecha remains outside the normal budget of most fleets, the novelty and adaptability of Synthmen makes them an ideal alternative piloting solution to utilize in high risk environments. The other large benefit to the use of Synthmen is that operating support units piloted by them from the convenience of your command mecha while on the field does not require you to surgically receive any majorly invasive interface integrations.  They communicate to each other and receive orders from you via a flexible and dynamic wireless network which you the pilot securely operates with relative ease through a wearable transceiver chip.  Test pilots of the system and trainers have likened this remote network to a hive intelligent type of "pseudo telepathy" but really it's much less arcane than that.  Now that the governments of certain worlds have begun requesting Synthmen "living" copilot modules to assign duties in tasks their regular pilots are largely too afraid to take on, I'm having to place new Synthmen on back order.

This is a different approach to artificial intelligence... rather than simulating a consciousness via constructing low level digital emulations of an organic brain, we've built an actual brain composed of a hybrid of biological engineering and cybernetics.  Automatically seeking experience with which to base learning, the only body a Synthman learns to associate as its own is the mech you equip it in.  They treat the mecha as an extension of themselves, the mech's sensor equipment their senses, and so on.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744