Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sgt Ron's Leonard Nimoy Memorium Submitted By Ron Frye#879655

I am a nerd. I have always been a nerd and always will be a nerd. I have spent my life as a "jock" most of the time, whether it be in school or in the military, but deep inside I maintained part of that young, idealistic nerd-boy that stared in wonder at the television every afternoon as he watched the intrepid crew of the Enterprise as it soared through the universe in search of new civilizations, boldly going where man kind had never gone before.

Today, an icon died. Not only an icon, but a role model, and a much beloved member of our greater community. We lost Leonard Nimoy , aka Mr. Spock. We will miss you old friend, long time teacher, and fellow traveler of those seeking knowledge and growth. He now watches us from afar and guides us as we continue our journey without his physical presence leading the way; but, the journey must continue. That being said, I ask all of you, "Who will carry his load. Who will continue his work. Who will devote their lives to personal growth and the pursuit of knowledge?"

My answer is, yes.

I will end this with one of the last quotes he made,

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory." - Leonard Nimoy 2015

Thank you,
Sgt Ron Frye#879655
US Army, Med. Ret. / Cmbt. Injuries

Submitted by Ron Frye#879655