Monday, February 16, 2015

Galaxy Gossip News Flash Special Report Allegations of Pilots on Steroids By Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133

This just in, pilots are flying through levels at lightning speed. Although the newest mecha are purported to be great in stopping the opponents in their tracks, nothing can push the number like we are seeing for speed. It was documented that one million experience was needed to go from L171 to L174 yet other pilots are making the jump in less than 2 weeks, one in as short as ten days! That's one hundred THOUSAND experience per day, there is no mecha out there you can push to that limit and missions are a drop in the bucket comparatively, being more time consuming.

It is unknown at this time what authorities might head up the investigation but this scandal may be worse than the mining exploits that went on near Vupa 6 last year. We'll bring you all the news before you hear it, right here at Galaxy Gossip.

Editorial reports were made months ago when discrepancies in the amount needed for pilots to level first appeared, apparently dying as soon as it made print. Can you pull a magic 100k xp rabbit out of the hole? Do the math, see for yourself. The first pilot to go from L174-177 had to go through 660k drills for experience each jump, taking nearly two months per level. How fast can this newest shiny star in the galaxy get it done? Stay tuned and we'll find out.

That concludes this special report. Until next time, this it Deborah Roaché-Hudak bidding you safe travels and successful battles.

Disclaimer-This report contains more fact than fiction.

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133