Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Frozen Wind Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This ice weapon is for pilots level 39 and up, it will run you 585 Ferrite, 273 Bioptics, and 34 Niodes. Or as usual you can bulk buy 5 for 136 niodes, no limit or restrictions. It has a straight damage of 52, with a speed of 94, and the ability of Slow at (12).

These are some nice ice throwers once they go off. The speed is slower than most ice weapons which come in at 99, but it will stop someone cold if applied to the right mecha say a Frigis at 100% freeze ability. As usual mecha build, and equipment load out is important if you want this weapon to work for you effectively. You can find these by the dozen in most weapon shops around the galaxy or maybe pick up a few as prizes for various tourneys, wars, raids, etc.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534