Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Shape Of Things In The Galaxy Now By Pat Willis#224534

Good afternoon one and all Pat here with the news and things you need to know in your galaxy today. First off after much petitioning to various government officials in different factions, the Galactic Senate has forced Star Factories to relinquish their stranglehold on mecha production. Star Factories was forced to sell off designs to Alpha Corporation, Talbus Arms, and Consolidated Mecha. So check your retailer to see if they still carry your mecha or if it has been shipped to another dealer due to contract negotiations.

Also the Craftsmen guild has been very generous to us pilots lately. Upon leveling we used to get two free niodes as we leveled up to encourage us to keep at it. Last weekend that amount was upped to five niodes per level instead of two. All niodes were retroactively added to the pilot accounts to make up the three niode per difference level. A personal thank you from those of here at the Gathering goes out to Artemis Molly and Brainchef  De Cuisine for the extra niodes, rest assured they will be put to excellent usage.

Finally we have Faction Wars round three coming up, and you can tell by the sheer amount of groups trying to hash out who is going to join whom, and under which name for this event. The Brotherhood won the first Faction War, took silver in the second, and as a member I can assure you we are going for gold once again. The entire brotherhood may stand united against the rest of the Galaxy if push comes to shove. So get your pilots sorted and your mechas checked over cause it is coming up fast! Also a reminder to all Clan liaison officers, now is as good a time as any to go ahead and start your prewar interviews, we will be running pre, during, and post war interviews as we get them in for this war.  That does it for me Pat Willis thanks for reading Galaxy Gathering and happy hunting to one and all, good day.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534