Monday, February 9, 2015

Commander's Log-NWHL Quarterly Maintenance By Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133

Polishing medals seems the most tedious of tasks. Big wigs show up and we get dressed for pomp and circumstance type ordeals. Need to order a new case. Perhaps the old case could be kept. Not sure how long it would take to fill with only Gold but if the past was any indicator for the future, might be better off letting the grand kids have it for a shadowbox for their next school project. Three King's, one Faction and one War didn't seem substantial compared to the vets. Circuits are nothing more than drills, counting those medals would be pointless.

~note Email Acme dimensions required for new medal case~

The buzz about the Boreas is undeniable. All the men seem to be working double-time to get this mecha whipped into shape, with a smile I should add. Starting to wonder if some freon or other gas is leaking in the hangar. After once losing a man to depression despite his clan obtaining Gold, not sure how they can all whistle while they work, if it's really all about the Gold.

Perhaps things are clicking and it's all falling into place. Years of study, months of drills, weeks in practice and it all boils down to three battles. Like it or not, top brass promotes based on those results. Doesn't matter how smartly you managed your resources, how smoothly you fly or how well you transition. If you fail to meet the challenges of CWs, you're doomed to retraining eventually.

I would have thought by now the specialists wouldn't pose such a problem. Just a few are still rattling to disrupt here and there but it's enough. The new program should have things back in order in no time. Then again, having more Legendary Pilots under The Brotherhood banner should lighten the load a bit. Allsop snagging the most elite mecha was the highlight of our after-CWs party.

~end of entry~

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133