Sunday, August 10, 2014

Islands In Space

While gates are nearly indestructible, the worlds they are on aren't necessarily so. Some gates lead to obliterated planets, the gate and the rock around it the only remains. Some worlds were the results of cataclysmic natural forces, evidenced by the large asteroid field around the gate. But, others are far more unnatural.

The solitude of the unnatural gate and its small island, alone in the sea of stars overlooking a sun, evokes an eerie beauty and has baffled thinkers and explorers since the first one's discovery. Most islands are solitary, with nothing left to explore or explain what happened. Some still have the frozen husks and skeletons of life around the foot of the gate, suggesting whatever befell the world was quick.

Though the gates to each of these islands is far flung, astrogational analysis has placed them all relatively close to each other. Only a couple reside in nearly-intact star systems which have ruins of alien civilizations. Most of these cultures are still indecipherable, but a couple crude drawings from one of the more primitive extinct cultures shows something large devouring the nearby moon; a moon that appears to have been idolized as the home of the gods.

Whatever it was, the gods attacked it and drove it away by casting colorful ribbons and newborn stars at it.

Who these gods might have been is up for debate. The most popular theory is that the precursors were waging a war with some unknown civilization. Some super weapon was unleashed, destroying precursor outposts.

Without further evidence, all theories are highly speculative. Questions still remain about how the islands were formed. Are these the remains of worlds consumed by some super weapon? If there was a super weapon used in some intergalactic war, is it, like the precursors, still out there to be found?

Submitted by Ben Parker#712090