Sunday, August 3, 2014

Skriag Mech Review

A guest lecture given at Imperial Mecha Training Academy (a Shogunate piloting university):
If you are at all familiar with beast mecha, you know that the central glowing core on their chest isn’t there just for appearance and can house various types of weapons.  On the Skriag these are the triplet of a brutal Ursa Strike, Diablis Nozzle and Galaxy Eye.  Much detail is documented about how the vibrating energized blade arms function (charged up by three laser stallions).  What is less known about and I would propose to you ladies and gentlemen is the mechanism by which this kaiju “sees”/detects the molecular composition of matter.  There was a deep sea fish on old Earth called a goblin shark that had a great concentration of electrosensory glands and organs in its snout to detect prey.  What we have going on in the head of a Skriag mecha is similar, except instead of electrosensory organs there are complexes of sensors and spectral analyzers housed within its overslung nose.  Much emphasis in the physics department is made about the “cells” of this mecha being made of an energetic material that constantly shifts and phases.

 My colleagues at the biology department have through dangerous vivisection and dissection gone to lengths to increase understanding of the apparatus through which the Skriag detects matter.  Our studies were expensive but through the emperor’s blessing in the form of Niode grants have reached completion (each Skriag costs 12000 Ferrite, 12000 Bioptics and 135 Niodes).  We can tell you that the shoulders and arm guards of this mecha work as an ablative shield which operates by the principles of electric reactive armor. The constantly shifting, evolving unstable properties of the material this organic and sentient mecha is composed of allow the armor of those guards to reshape after and as it is deformed and also explain some of the swiftness and evasion of this bio-mechanical swordsman."

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744