Thursday, August 14, 2014

M-Hole Equipment Review

This is a premium piece of chassis equipment for 85 ton Huge to 95 ton BFM weight division class mecha.
The M-hole is a Niode driven combination radar and signal jammer that is powered by "cold plasma".  The jammer portion behaves as a barrage jammer to screw up an opponent's sensors (11% Freeze) and wreak havoc on their mecha's electronics (10 Slow) while at the same time the radar portion functions using a modified base jammer so that your own radar equipment remains unaffected (Precision 6) in the midst of interferences created by the electronic warfare your M-Hole is putting out.  This simultaneous defense and offense when used properly ups your crit-kill % by 3.

Reviewer Notes: The nonthermogenic plasma fuel used by an M-hole lends itself to the overall reliability of this device, since you don't have to worry about running an M-hole causing it to overheat.  Also, the use of a second jammer to transmit a signal purposely for detection while at the same time blocking the receivers and transmitters of other sources using the first jammer makes for an ingenious way to see your opponent more clearly while at the same time placing them at a tactical disadvantage.

It costs 1004 Ferrite, 604 Bioptics and 49 Niodes.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744