Monday, August 4, 2014

Queen gives Rook?; Too Strong To Give Up, Too Stubborn To Die

As a reward for completion of numerous bounty hunting contracts and cargo convoy escorts on behalf of the Trinitarian World Symposium, Lady MechDougan, dowager to one of the wealthiest families in Cogwerk Space awarded me a Rook.  The old bird is in her seventies but retains an active voice in the politics of their Cogwerk Senate and in spite of her advancing years still dons a Smilodon in duels and occasional battles.  On urging from her son Mammoth Jack and grandson Duke Crimson that she should mind her health, she had numerous AIs, ergonomic interfaces and logistical computers installed in it by Cogwerk artisans & trade craft-workers to augment her aging senses.   I believe she intends to stay active well into her one hundreds, provided she doesn’t fall in battle.  In her glory days she was known as the “World-Crusher”;  one can’t help but wonder if she attempts to relive her youth when she fights in that highly customized Smilodon of hers.  Zeppelin Tesla didn’t say much. Though he was the one who was my entry into doing work for Cogwerk through his vital Shogunate diplomatic ties in the first place, I couldn’t help but get a sense that given the choice, Zepp would rather not have to rely so much on foreigners… like perhaps it on some level hurt his pride as a Cogwerk Statist.  Mammoth Jack on the other hand was more vocal, and grateful they were not giving out a Rook to in his words, “another piece of Hegemony scum.”  As they broke a bottle of champagne over the hull by its toes and asked me to christen my new Mecha, I tried not to let my initial disappointment at its bulky and non sleek appearance show on my face to these nobles.

My fondness for missile weaponry wasn’t exactly a secret and the old lady knew about that so it wasn’t like I could turn the gift down.  I thought a moment and told them “How about Bastion?”  They seemed to like my choice, with Crimson excitedly exclaiming that I should pilot Bastion with pride, its strong defense and powerful armaments a testament to Cogwerk workmanship.  I wasn’t listening to him though; I was near completely immersed in mentally putting together ideas how to speed the sluggish lumbering tank up through mods and equipment.  The first thing I did was put Wheeled Feet and Untiam Actuators in the chassis legs, followed by reactive joints in the limbs to make it more nimble.  For engines I put in my usual paired Caged Singularity and Indefinite Singularity then rounded it out with a Shrieker Mark II.  It was still lacking something so for the benefit of the family that gave it to me I threw on some Shear-Thickening Fluid for that special just-mechwaxed shine.  Now, for cockpit options… definitely long range sensors made by their glassblowers, a Betrus with a Battle AI on it and Enhanced Senses.  With the modded AI hacks I could have it run in the rear line of my formation on its own on autopilot, as soon as I’d finished keying in rules for Bastion’s targeting to determine friends from foes.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744