Friday, April 11, 2014

Gorak Attack

We got the request in at Black Watch HQ to head out to the Timmarrah asteroid belt in sector 5 of the same system. Apparently some half-baked genetically manipulated Roach was out there with a ton of mechs looking to invade. I got the okay from my clan boss packed up my troops and headed out. I didn’t figure on this being a long and drawn out campaign, intel was scarce but  from what we were told it was your standard issue Star Factories cannon fodder with a few specialty mechas thrown in for good measure.

As soon as we touched down it got fast and heavy. Almost every asteroid in the belt was covered with these buggers intel said 11,579 in total for the invasion force. I relayed the numbers and conditions back to HQ, who promised reinforcements A.S.A.P. As soon as confirmation came in of back up en route my squad and I hit the enemy forces with a vengeance. Anzus burned, Keradons exploded, Ogguns fell by the hundreds. We only really had a hiccup with what seemed to be modified Ogguns and some kind of cartoonish road cone orange looking mechas. They had self-repair equipment added shields, and insane dodge capabilities. They were quite the hassle until we learned we could catch them in a cross fire and reduce their abilities to heal much less dodge out of the line of fire. From asteroid to asteroid we battled all up and down the belt system all the while this fool Gorak is on our speaker systems laughing manically telling us we shall never survive. His laughter was cut short when the rest of the Watch came in and started to hand him his bug ass.

When the smoke cleared there were bodies everywhere, mecha parts strewn across the asteroids and hanging in the black void of space. When all was said and done I had 1551 destroyed enemy mechas to add to my kill count. The salvage was less than desirable though with only 1 Panther Wheel, 1 Enveloper, 2 Smooth bores, 1 Harmonic Disruptor, 2 ECMCM shielding modules, 1 Arctic Delta, 1 Telescoping sight, 2 Ballistic Computers and 1 Plasma bottle Engine. All of which were pretty banged up and only would net less than half the resale price for my troubles. For all the thousands of mechs we poured through not one was fit for repair. In my mission report to HQ  I simply said…”If this happens again leave us out of it, cause honestly we can make more in crystals and niodes doing smuggler runs.”

Submitted By Pat Willis # 224534